
Mission Statement

Living Don Bosco’s motto: “Give me souls, take away the rest,” we bring the Gospel to the world, especially the young, the poor, and the troubled.

We Salesians of Don Bosco (SDB) of the Province of St. Andrew are a community of consecrated men living and working together, inspired by the pioneer Salesians who began the San Francisco province in 1897.

We are called and sent by Christ, the Good Shepherd, to be like Don Bosco, signs and bearers of God’s love for the young, especially those who are poor and most in need.

Living Don Bosco’s motto: “Give me souls, take away the rest,” together with laity who share our mission, we educate and evangelize the young to become “honest citizens and good Christians” in the midst of the pluralistic and rapidly changing society of western United States. 

(April 5, 2013)


Province Priorities

We commit ourselves to become mystics in the spirit, to deepen our personal and communal relationship with the Lord who consecrates and sends us to the young.

We commit ourselves to become prophets of fraternity recognizing that God “entrusts us with brothers to love” (C. 50) sharing life and mission together in a deep, open and inviting way.

We commit ourselves to become servants of the young, to form honest citizens and good Christians for the 21th century according to Don Bosco’s preventive system.

We commit ourselves to ensure the vitality of the Salesian charism, in our province by visioning and planning always from the perspective of the poor and the marginalized.

(October 3, 2014)
